

Focus On Yourself And Not Others? | SADHGURU | Eye Opening …

Well, Positivity is like energy drink and beyond low level thinking.It takes us to the fantasy world and we accomplish our tasks, projects, duties, etcetera in a pleasant manner. Moreover, we are away from toxic people to get distracted in any sense.

Positivity is a state of mind when we feel glad, gratitude, confident, prosperous, contented, etc to enjoy the life. We experience like far from mading crowd. Positive energy leads us to the right direction without any distraction. One thing is important to stay motivated and inspired and for this we must stay connected with positive personalities in the form of parents, friends, mentors to keep on receiving positive vibration.

The most important tools to remain positive –
⦁ to do meditation
⦁ watch motivational videos
⦁ read/watch inspirational interviews, articles, experiences of the folks those who have climbed up the ladder of success.

To remain positive everytime is not possible. As every coin has two sides. But the great thing is that never give up, keep on crossing hurdles to reach the goal. For this stay humble, down to earth, patient. I want to add over here that keep on doing nonstop efforts – its our duty , rest leave on Supreme Power !!! When nothing is in our hands then no option left to stay calm.
There is a famous ode (a poem meant to be sung) written by Persy Bysshe Shelly in 1819 near Florence, Italy. The last line of the poem – “Ode to the West wind” is often quoted “If winter comes, can spring be far behind?” This line is full of OPTIMISM.

In order to maintain positivity, sometimes we have to remain quite in odd situations, even when we haven’t done anything wrong. Then positive energy cretaes miracle and after a phase of hard time everything is sorted out.

“When everything seems to be going against you, remember that the airplane takes off against the wind, not with it”.
Henry Ford

Positive Quotes – BrainyQuote


So, to fulfil our dreams we have to be strong, courageous, bold ,straight forward,risk taker, decision maker to reach our destination. Keep on ignoring bad elements, failures, false people , conflicts, arguments to shine like a sun . Nothing is impossible !!!

P – Persistence
O – Optimistic
S – Strenght
I – Idealistic
T – Triumphant
I – Inspiring
V – Victorious
I – Incredible
T – Trustworthy
Y – Young

In the end I would like to sum up that leave comfort zone to grab the opportunities. Stay positive, patient, calm and bold. Always see the bright side of every situation.Try to find solutions, alternatives under the guidance of mentors, professors, trustworthy and experienecd folks.


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